A family of former child heroes, now grown apart, must reunite to continue to protect the world.

Season 3 (Spoiler Alert)

Episode Title Summary
1 Meet the Family Following their adventure in Dallas, the Umbrella siblings find themselves in an altered timeline. After their encounter with Sir Reginald in 1963, he changed the timeline by adopting Ben along with six other children. He has built these seven into a competent and popular superhero team dubbed "The Sparrow Academy." The two sets of siblings fight, and the Umbrella siblings are overpowered and flee, but inadvertently leave the time travel briefcase at the Academy. They take shelter at Hotel Obsidian. and as they plan their next move, Vanya goes to make a deal with the Sparrow Number One, Marcus, who agrees to hand back the briefcase if the Umbrella Academy siblings leave with no more trouble. This meeting is observed by Ben and Sparrow Number Three, Fei. Diego discovers he and Lila have a young son, Stan, and Lila leaves the boy with him. Elsewhere, an older man named Lester Pocket packs a suitcase and sets out for an unknown destination. When Marcus goes to get the briefcase, he discovers the Kugelblitz, a time anomaly caused by the crossing timelines, and is disintegrated. After witnessing this act of power, Grace, who now works as the Sparrows' maid, begins worshipping the Kugelblitz as her god.
2 World's Biggest Ball of Twine The Umbrella siblings separate. The Sparrows kidnap Luther, believing that the Umbrella siblings have Marcus. While captive, Luther learns more about the Sparrows and bonds with their Number Five, Sloane. Lila attempts to leave the city but discovers that her briefcase no longer works. After learning that Sissy died in 1989, Vanya goes on a self-discovery journey, coming out as a transgender man and changing his name to Viktor. The rest of the family accepts him with open arms. Allison travels home to find that Claire does not exist in this new timeline, spiraling her into grief and rage. Five and Klaus go to find Klaus' birth mother and discover that all of their mothers died before they were born in this timeline, creating a grandfather paradox. Diego and Stan bond after they fight with Sparrow Number Four, Alphonso, and Number Six, Jayme. Allison and Viktor head to the handoff where Marcus was meant to give them the briefcase, but he doesn't show up. Unbeknownst to them, they are stalked by Lester. After being released by the Sparrows, Luther goes back in to meet with Sloane and they have sex. Lila, on the Sparrow Academy roof, mimics Fei's powers and steals the briefcase. Further shockwaves from the growing Kugelblitz cause more waves of objects, humans, and animals to disappear.
3 Pocket Full of Lightning Five explains the grandfather paradox, and a lovesick Luther rejoins the Umbrella siblings. Five and Lila reluctantly team up to solve the time paradox, realizing neither of their briefcases work, which is so unlikely it's effectively impossible. Allison and Viktor negotiate with the Sparrows, where Allison falsely claims they have Marcus and the Sparrows falsely claim they have the briefcase. Allison's reckless behavior worries Viktor. Klaus confronts Reginald about their mothers, whom Reginald confirms he did not kill, and they end up bonding. Klaus also learns that the Sparrows keep Reginald medicated to keep him docile, and he teaches Reginald how to hide the pills without swallowing them. The Sparrows discover the Kugelblitz in the basement. The Sparrow and Umbrella siblings confront each other at Hotel Obsidian. The Umbrella siblings are almost defeated when Lester arrives and unleashes a devastating burst of energy to save them, killing Alphonso and Jayme. Viktor recognizes Lester to be Harlan Cooper, Sissy's son.
4 Kugelblitz Because Harlan could not control the powers he gained from Viktor in 1963, he and his mother lived a difficult life, needing to move constantly. When Sissy died, he had a particularly violent episode. In the present, he reconnects with Viktor. Allison uses her powers to force Sloane to reveal the whereabouts of the briefcase, but Sloane does not know where it is. Frustrated, she and Diego go into a bar with a confederate flag on the outside, hoping to get into a fight. Luther and Viktor give Sloane back to the Sparrows as a peace offering, but at the last minute, Ben demands that they hand over Harlan as well. In the ruins of the Commission, Five and Lila find its Founder, an elderly future version of Five with a missing arm and a cryptic tattoo. Before he dies, he warns Five not to save the world. While playing in the Hotel, Klaus and Stan find a luxury suite called the White Buffalo, and Stan accidentally fires a spear gun which kills Klaus. Harlan finds the files on the Umbrella Academy's dead mothers. He reveals to Viktor that when his mother died, his outburst of power inadvertently killed their mothers and caused the grandfather paradox.
5 Kindest Cut Klaus awakens in the afterlife, where the Person on the Bike reveals that he has died over 50 times, but always returns to life because he is immortal. He reconnects with his dead mother, who tells him not to mourn her and to seek a sense of purpose. Five and Lila return but the briefcase is destroyed in the process. They reveal that the grandfather paradox has created a Kugelblitz that will soon collapse all of existence. Diego finds out that Stan accidentally killed Klaus and comforts him, but as they move his body, Klaus returns to life. Lila and Diego restart their relationship. Desperate to escape her trauma and pain, Allison starts to use her powers to force herself on Luther but then stops. Horrified, Luther flees to find Sloane. The rest of the family agrees to hand Harlan over to the Sparrows so they can all focus on the Kugelblitz. Viktor feels guilty about the trauma his powers have caused Harlan and enlists Allison to sneak Harlan out of the Hotel. Klaus recognizes Five's future tattoo as belonging to a biker gang called the Mothers of Agony who used to sell him drugs. Five goes to the gang's club and finds Pogo tattooing a biker.
6 Marigold In 2014, Pogo is fired after a disagreement with Reginald over the Sparrows' training. He gives the Sparrows pills to sedate Reginald. In the present, Lila and Diego find a secret tunnel in the White Buffalo Suite which leads to an abandoned alternate version of the Hotel Obsidian, called Hotel Oblivion. Ben asks Luther to join the Sparrows. Pogo tells Five that the symbols in the tattoo connect to something Reginald was obsessed with called Project Oblivion. Lila admits to Diego that Stan is not their son, but is her friend Trudy's child, and she is just babysitting for a week. Harlan and Viktor succeed in transferring Harlan's powers to Viktor. Klaus tries to bond with his father and asks why the Reginald in the original timeline killed him repeatedly. To figure it out, Reginald decides to experiment by electrocuting Klaus to death. A Guardian attacks Lila and Diego in the alternate hotel and cuts off two of Diego's fingers. They escape through the tunnel in time to see Stan consumed by the Kugelblitz. Harlan tells Allison that he killed the Umbrellas' mothers, thinking that she already knew. Allison kills him and delivers his body to the Sparrows.
7 Auf Wiedersehen In a flashback, The Handler dies and Lila travels to 1989 West Berlin to retrieve a hidden briefcase planted by the Handler. She meets Trudy there and recruits Trudy's son, Stan, into her plan to trick Diego. In the present, Reginald repeatedly kills Klaus, training him to reanimate more quickly. He takes Klaus to a graveyard to confront his fears and Klaus successfully exorcises the ghosts. Allison is remorseless about murdering Harlan and blames Viktor for her losses. Lila, Sloane, Christopher, and Viktor combine their powers to trap the Kugelblitz in Christopher. Five kills Grace when she attacks them with a flamethrower. At the Academy, the group celebrates saving the world and Luther proposes to Sloane, who accepts. Lila reveals to Diego that she is pregnant with their child; she pretended Stan was their son to test Diego's parenting abilities. Five assures a grieving Viktor that saving Harlan would not have fixed their past failures. Christopher suddenly explodes, killing Fei and reopening the Kugelblitz, which consumes the house. Five saves Ben as the group escapes.
8 Wedding at the End of the World In 1918, Reginald Hargreeves begins construction of the Hotel Obsidian. During its grand opening he sends several soldiers down the secret tunnel and they are all slaughtered. In the present, the siblings take shelter at the hotel as Luther and Sloane announce their wedding. Reginald and Klaus arrive at the hotel, but none of the siblings are interested in what Reginald has to say. Luther asks Viktor to be his best man, and leaves a bitter Ben out of his bachelor party. Sloane calls Ben out for his sullen attitude, telling him to stop relying on being in charge. With Klaus' coaching, Reginald attempts to be fatherly at the wedding reception and delivers a moving speech. Viktor tries to reconcile with Allison, who refuses to forgive him. Klaus and a drunken Ben begin to bond. The group (minus Allison) sits drunkenly in the courtyard as the Kugelblitz consumes the city above them. Luther remarks that he finally has the family he has always dreamed of. Five drunkenly overhears Reginald making a deal with someone in the White Buffalo Suite.
9 Seven Bells A hungover Five desperately tries to recall who was making a deal with Reginald the previous night. Reginald calls a meeting and explains that he built the Hotel Obsidian around a portal to the universe's "reset button", which requires seven people to pass through the secret tunnel and ring seven bells protected by a Guardian. Allison, Lila, Klaus, and Ben agree to the plan, but Diego, Viktor, Luther, Sloane, and Five outvote them and choose to stay. Allison apologizes to Luther and Viktor, but Luther believes she is manipulating him. Reginald murders Luther and blames it on the Guardian in order to motivate the group. Five remembers that Allison was the one with whom Reginald made a deal. The group flees through the tunnel as the Kugelblitz consumes the Hotel. Klaus tries to follow but Reginald pushes him back, thanking him for his help but telling him he is too much of a liability. To ensure he goes to the afterlife, Klaus throws himself onto the horn of the white buffalo and dies.
10 Oblivion Reginald, Five, Allison, Viktor, Diego, Lila, Sloane, and Ben arrive at the Hotel Oblivion, where Five tells Viktor that Allison made a deal of some kind with Reginald. Reginald summons Guardians to attack the group while they search for a seven-fold symbol. Five's arm is severed, but the Guardians are defeated. In the afterlife, Luther convinces Klaus to return to the living world, where he exposes Reginald's treachery. Allison tells Viktor that she made a deal with Reginald but that it had nothing to do with their brothers' deaths. Five spots a seven-star symbol on the lobby floor. All except Allison step on the stars, which activates the reset button but drains their powers. Realizing the process is killing them, Allison kills Reginald and hits the reset button. In the rebuilt universe, Allison is reunited with Claire and Ray, the Hotel Obsidian is gone, Luther is alive and not an ape-man, Five and Diego's lost limbs are restored, Sloane is missing, and everyone has lost their powers. As the siblings separate, a restored Reginald observes the city, now under his control, alongside his wife Abigail, who is alive again. In a mid-credits scene, a second Ben rides the same Seoul subway on which he was born.

Season 2 (Spoiler Alert)

Episode Title Summary
1 Right Back Where We Started After dropping his siblings into an alley in Dallas — in different years — Five scrambles to track them all down and stop a new doomsday threat.
2 The Frankel Footage An incident at the bar leads Luther to Vanya. Five finds an unsettling surprise in the film Hazel left behind. The cops come after Allison's husband.
3 The Swedish Job As the sit-in approaches, Allison reconnects with Klaus, the Swedes chase Vanya into a cornfield, and Luther makes a distressing discovery.
4 The Majestic 12 While Allison searches frantically for Ray, Vanya contends with a crisis at the farm, and Five, Diego and Lila crash a party at the Mexican Consulate.
5 Valhalla Summoned to an emergency meeting, the siblings hatch very different plans for how to spend their last six days on Earth. Lila confronts her mother.
6 A Light Supper Allison gives Ray a peek at her powers, Dave visits Klaus's compound, the Handler offers Five a deal, and the siblings meet their father for dinner.
7 Öga for Öga After Five travels to 1982 to carry out his new mission, the siblings face a flurry of difficult decisions. Meanwhile, Carl issues a warning to Vanya.
8 The Seven Stages A desperate Five concocts a risky plan to intercept another version of himself. The FBI tortures Vanya. Diego discovers what causes the apocalypse.
9 743 As the Fives plot against each other, one of the siblings makes a big sacrifice to help Vanya. Plus, Lila learns the truth about her parents.
10 The End of Something Reeling from the events at Dealey Plaza, the siblings head to the farm to help save Harlan - only to find themselves drawn into a deadly showdown.

Season 1 (Spoiler Alert)

Episode Title Summary
1 We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals Years after they rose to fame as young crimefighting superheroes, the estranged Hargreeves siblings come together to mark their father's death.
2 Run Boy Run After sharing the story of his time travel with Vanya, Five hunts for the owner of a fake eye. But two mysterious assassins are hot on his trail.
3 Extraordinary Worried their mother is hiding something, Luther and Allison call a family meeting. Cha-Cha and Hazel catch a big break in their hunt for Five.
4 Man on the Moon. The story of Luther's transformation emerges. At the motel, Klaus puts Hazel and Cha-Cha's training to the test. Allison grows suspicious of Leonard.
5 Number Five Five lets Luther in on his secret. Klaus returns from a harrowing trip through time, and Vanya begins to feel different without her meds.
6 The Days That Wasn't Sparks fly when Vanya finds her sibling holding an emergency family meeting without her. Five starts his new job at HQ. Cha-Cha faces a dilemma.
7 The Days That Wa With a second chance at the day, the siblings team up to find the mysterious "Harold Jenkins." Leonard takes Vanya into the woods to test her powers.
8 I Heard a Rumor As Vanya practices controlling her new abilities, Allison tags along with a local cop to find out what happened outside the restaurant.
9 Changes Vanya veers between shock and despair as she makes a string of unsettling discoveries. A serendipitous development leaves Five at loose ends.
10 The White Violin As a lifetime of secrets and resentments bring the Umbrella Academy crashing down, the Hargreeves sibling realize the worst is still to come.